Here is a complete guide to start earning money online through digital marketing.
Hello welcome to Tech Hz, this is my first post in this blog this blog is about how to make money online, Business Idea, Passive income streams in, Digital marketing tutorials, SEO, Social Media Marketing, affiliate, Blogging and How to earn money.
We have a potential to make money through digital marketing, here we have huge scope of earn money from home with Computer or smartphine and with a active internet connection.
Many people choose digital marketing as their career, many people started own digital marketing agencies, Even we can earn money as sides hussel by starting a blog and youtube channel.
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About Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is growing now because of now a day everyone is interested to promote their business online. For traditional marketing we need to work physically we cannot scale, we can analyses target the audience in digital marketing.
Blogging as Business
By blogging you can earn min RS: 10,000 to RS: 10,00,000 per month with blogging. Many blogger in the world are making around 1 Lack Dollars per month.Â
 NeilPatel he runs digital marketing agency in USA, He was the most popular digital marketer and blogger in American. He earns millions dollars from digital marketing.
Should Me Loud Blog is owned by Harsh Agarwal, He earns around $90K dollars per month from his blog shoutmeloud.
Like them many individual blogger are making min $1000 per month after within 4 to 6 months of efforts on blogging.
To start a blog you need find a niche for your blog or youtube channel and start creating content and publish on your blog.
To engage customers to your blog you need to promote your blog in order to get views and engagement.
Earn Money from Youtube Channel
We have multiple ways to earn money through youtube channel, I’ll tell you everything about youtube channel, from basic to advance level.
How to create Youtube channel and how to update and optimize youtube channel and seo for youtube channel.
How to get traffic, monetize YouTube channel and Multple ways to earn money from youtube channel.
Note : Never ever depend on google adsense, try affiliate marketing, sponserships or brand promotions. we dont know when google is will demonetize the youtube channel. You earn more from affiliate and sponsors comparitively google adsense.
Social Media Marketing
In social media marketing we have facebook, Instagram, twitter, whatsapp, pinterest, linked, in, Tik Tok and more. We can earn money through these platforms.
There were defferent ways to earn money from facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, linked in, Tik Tok and with whats app.
We can earn by promoting your own products on SMM Network, you can be an account manager, if you good branding you can charge for sponsorship ads and providing services you can earn more.
I will update content about online money making, SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media marketing, Affiliate marketing and Youtube. Different ways to monetize and make money.
How to start a blog and Earn Min $1000 Per Mont from a blog
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